Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
As an international business operating in the global community, we take our responsibility to be a good corporate Citizen seriously. We try to direct our CSR programme to the areas where we might have a real impact. We want our CSR programme to be a dynamic one that develops with the company; we want it to become part of what makes us who we are, part of our DNA.
We have defined four key areas on which to focus and have then added a fifth which measures our performance in those four key areas.
Tangents Internal Vision
We, the management team, value and respect one another and recognise that the Tangent’s success depends on each and every one of us.
We are committed to the realisation of our goals
We will direct our efforts towards the goals and objectives of Tangent.
We will plan and conduct our work with a clear understanding of the needs of the business.
We will be proactive rather than reactive at all times.
We will strive for optimum performance and interdependence
Learning and Development
We are an organisation that values learning and development.
We recognise the need for people to learn, and innovate. We will enhance our future through continuous improvement and transformation.
We will constantly search for new ways to function better.
We will endeavour to engage our staff at all times.
We will manage and lead with passion and by personal example. We will strive to engage our staff at all times.
We will delegate responsibility with accountability.
We recognise that engaging in communication and dialogue are the cornerstones of our work.
We will communicate in ways that foster cooperation, clarity and committed action
We will ensure that relevant information is fully shared with and disseminated to all who need it in a timely fashion.
We are committed to excellence
We are committed to being leaders in our field.
We are committed to quality and efficiency in all we do, even under adverse circumstances.
We constantly strive to improve everything we do, we want to be ‘best in class’.